Via Lungo Sarca, n.20 38062 Arco TN – Lago di Garda – Italy
P.IVA 01490870225 C.F. 93004340225
Windfinder current wheather data
Wind, Wellen- & Wettervorhersage Lake Garda / Conca d‘ Oro / Torbole – Windfinder
Windfinder weather statistics
Wind- & Wetterstatistiken DPC Torbole Conca d’Oro – Windfinder
Comments on the venue
A tropical inland venue. Amazing Climate. When u arrive into town you get thus great vibe. Wind and sailing is pretty goo too! (Steven Brewin)
I am really fond of Arco site, specifically with the planned races a bit closer to Malcesine – bringing more fun with some tactical challenges as both sides work… (Katrin Brunner)
Garda is one of the best place for sailing thanks to the super consistent conditions and weather, beautiful surroundings and amazing atmosphere. It’s not a secret that it is favorite place to sail of many sailors, me included. (Tymoteusz Bendyk)
One of the best spots in the world for enjoying A Class. A perfect organization too. Love the idea of this event! (Emmanuel Dodé)
I have sailed in the waters of Lake Garda for the past twenty four years and always having lots of fun on the Lake and also ashore. The place is just any sailor’s paradise. The club is very well organised with a multi-annual experience especially for cats sailing. My only personal concern is the exit and landing via the ramp.To avoid the jamming on land and on the water I suggest the use for such an important event of the nearby beach. I support 100% LakeGarda, Circolo Vela Arco for Euros2022. AlbySwe59. (Alberto Farnesi)
I was lucky enough to visit some of the best sailing venues in the world and I am always very proud to realize that nowhere is possible to have such a consistent average to strong conditions , fresh and flat water and training/racing area few hundred meters away from the ramp. With the foiling revolution north of lake Garda is once more the place to be and Circolo Vela Arco the perfect venue to host cat regattas. (Vittorio Bissaro, Nacra 17/A-Class and Technical Director Circolo Vela Arco)